Hairline Reconstruction 1389 FU Grafts
This patient is a 23 YO male with a familial history of receding hairlines affecting his father and two brothers. He noticed this process personally beginning around the age of 19. This reconstruction is significant for the artful recreation of a mature hairline that will work well as time progresses and the patient ages.
Successful results are highly dependant upon a surgeons ability to utilize his surgical skills in the context of creating artwork. The ability to create high quality consistent results which are achieved utilizing Strip Excision (SE) technique (also erroneously referred to as the “FUT” method) to harvest the donor is what separates true surgeons from those trained only in the FUE method. Your surgeon should be comfortable utilizing all surgical options, understanding when, where and why different surgical techniques are chosen in varying hair loss presentations.
The last photo shows the typical unremarkable incision line as a result of SE surgery.